CREx Software Real Estate Data Warehouse
Finally a one size fits all answer to real estate data.
Pay by the GB, not SQFT or Unit
Our data solutions:
crex real estate data warehouse automation
CRE data warehouse
A safe, secure, and affordable way to accelerate your analysts, data scientists, and executives with our user-friendly and automatically updated cloud data solutions.
real estate database
Vertically integrated
Do you work with one of the leading property technology solutions like Yardi, MRI, Entrata, Argus, or others? Don't reinvent the wheel. We help you gather, store, and analyze all of your data.
CREx Data warehouse 3rd party property manager integrations
3rd party property managers
Finally, a solution owners have been seeking. Discover the simplest way to consolidate all your property managers' data in one place. We've seamlessly integrated with Lincoln, CBRE, Colliers, Stream, Cushman & Wakefield, Thrive, Franklin Street, and many more.
crex data warehouse integrations
Push and sync data to the tools you already use and love with our connectors and partnerships like Salesforce, Google Analytics, HubSpot, and more.

CREx Software Real Estate Data Warehouse

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