Commercial Real Estate Terms

New to the industry or need a refresher? Master commercial real estate terms using our commercial real estate terms and definitions. Check out our glossary here

From TIs and LCs to GAV and NAV, you will gain fluency in TLAs… or rather, the three-letter acronym language that is commercial real estate lingo. I remember what it was like to be in your shoes, and frankly, I still learn new terms all the time. Never be afraid to ask what you think is a “dumb” question. The person who answers you probably asked the same question too. Not only that, most people love being able to show off their skills. Someone explaining a complex commercial real estate term gets to strut their stuff like a plump, Easter Egger chicken that just laid a blue egg.

Not all of us are fortunate enough to work with people who we feel comfortable asking questions. Some of us are more introverted and prefer to read over talking to people. Others simply prefer to teach themselves. I am one of these people. I wrote this post for you. If only this had existed years ago when I joined the industry… who knows what else I would have accomplished by now!

The commercial real estate industry is evolving. Naturally, the language we use to describe it is evolving too. I sincerely hope this list of commercial real estate terms helps you become even better at your job.

Don’t see something? Say something! Drop us a line and let us know what other commercial real estate terms and definitions you would like to see.

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