Why Automating Your Real Estate Data & Integration is Important

Why Automating Your Real Estate Data & Integration is Important.

Why Real Estate Automation and Data & Integration is Important. All of our customers have a similar story. The business had questions, the business wanted answered. In an attempt to solve this problem, they began to cobble together PDF and Excel reports weekly with some lucky person on the team being responsible for hand typing or merging all of this data into one document for all company reporting. Over time, this report grew more unwieldy and harder to reconcile.

It’s not long before this task starts eating up 10, 20, 40 hours a week. A good analyst who usually can demand a 100k a year salary now is wasting 25k/y in busy work.

Running the math, you can see why automating just this one piece of your business is worth it but, setting up any kind of automation may be out of the question since hard to use property management tools, and proptech systems would require an expensive developer or an Excel wiz which could eat up any cost savings.

The trick is to not reinvent the wheel. Out of the box data real estate data warehouses finally exist with data updated automatically. It’s not easy but it is also not rocket science. We’ve spent years nailing down the integration from tools like Entrata, Yardi, Procore, and other prop tech tools, and you should too. The math speaks for itself, your looking at a 80% savings rate by automating rather then assigning a resource to this.

Check out our affordable out-of-the-box data warehouse solution here.

Why Automating Your Real Estate Automation and Data Integration is Important

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