Yardi Data Facts: Property Ownership Percentages

Yardi Data Facts: Property Ownership Percentages

Storing and correctly updating property ownership data empowers you to take your analytics to the next level. Showing financials by ownership percentage is a breeze when you follow the steps below. 

  1. Locate your ownership data at Review Property -> Functions -> Effective Ownership. 
  2. Even if you have one owner to one property, add it in there! Once you have this data input and cleaned, you will be able to enhance all of your reports and analytics to be shown by ownership.
  3. Create a governance check to see what active properties do not have an ownership record. Always use a property list of active properties to keep an eye on what matters (but if you have time to update your properties historically, we highly recommend it for better trend analysis).
  4. Effective Ownership has start dates and end dates. Use them! This will allow you to track history dynamically. Powerful stuff!
  5. Sometimes people will use Yardi’s attributes functionality to track ownership data. Although this seems easier, it causes data governance issues. Avoid this if you can. If you enter ownership information, just put it in the right spot: Effective Ownership.
  6. A good data governance process and report is a easy way to make sure all the percentages add up as expected.

Are you using your ownership table? What other uses have you found by keeping this data clean?

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Yardi Data Facts: Property Ownership Percentages

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