Yardi Data Facts: Working with Rent Roll Move-In, Lease-To and Move-Out Dates

Yardi Data Facts: Working with Rent Roll Move-In, Lease-To and Move-Out Dates 

Having line of sight into who is moving into and our of your properties is extremely important.

I get asked questions about rent rolls a lot, so I thought I would share what I know. Rent roll queries need to look at the ‘lease to’ date, the ‘move-out’ date, any amendments, and the tenant status. However, these are not linked together cleanly all the time. That creates confusion around data and processes.

The best way to solve this is the following:

1. Check if the ‘move-out’ date is before the ‘lease-to’ date. This would imply there could have been a preemptive move-out. A vacant date would also imply the move out has in fact occurred.

2. If a lease was renewed and the move-out date was not reset, then this would create a flaw in the logic. You must check if there was an amendment for a renewal or term change that superseded the move-out date.

3. Build a data governance report that shows all move-out dates that are less than the ‘lease-to’ date for the latest amendment. Have someone check, clean, and monitor this data frequently.

4. The tenant and unit status will also provide indicators of if the lease is still valid or if there is a data error but logic around the dates mirrors best what the reports show.

Any other edge cases I may have missed? Send us a note to discuss more!

Yardi Data Facts: Working with Rent Roll Move-In, Lease-to and Move-Out Dates.

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